Tuesday, February 27, 2007

February 20, 2007

(Kyle's mom, Christin, emailed us the following bit on Kyle's first day of treatment.)

Well, it is finally Tuesday morning. Kyle and I are just about to leave for UW Medical Center for his first day of "brain bump zapping". Kyle had his daily 2:00 AM turkey sandwich (editor's note: Kyle is taking steroids to reduce the swelling in his brain; the steroids also give him a ferocious appetite.) and then chatted with my mom while snuggling in her bed. He finally coaxed her into a game of Yahtzee at 6:30 AM. In true Kyle fashion he rolled a Yahtzee on his first roll of the game. He then proceeded to roll two more Yahtzees during the same game (does anyone else roll three Yahtzees in one game?). Kyle had his best score ever of 587 points. I can't think of a more appropriate sign for him that today will be a good day.

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